USTP Jasaan conducts Clean-up Drive in observance of Zero Waste Month
By Neljohn Michael A. Acenas, USTP Jasaan TCM Faculty
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) Jasaan took part in the observance of the Zero Waste Month pursuant to the Presidential Proclamation No. 760, s. 2014, with the theme “Sustainable Waste Management in Livable Communities.”

The event was spearheaded by the Office of the USTP Jasaan Acting Campus Director, Dr. Ruel S. Salvador, who encouraged everyone to be environmentally mindful during his speech at the flag-raising ceremony.

“I urge everyone to participate in this event for us to have clean surroundings and environment,” Dr. Salvador remarked.

The activity was joined by the campus administrators, faculty, staff, and students from its respective departments.