USTP prepares FY 2023 KPIs and targets

By Ma. Melissa Angelica C. Agawin, System PME Technical Writer

Performance Management Team (PMT) members, Strategic Development Areas (SDA) focal persons, deans, directors, and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Teams (PMEs) from across the university system gathered for a day-long workshop to finalize and validate the DYNAMIC KPIs as well as settle targets for OPCR and PRE FY 2023. The workshop was held online via ZOOM on October 11, 2022.

The event aimed to finalize the DYNAMIC KPIs and look into SUC Levelling and PREXC (NEP 2023) indicators for cascading. The workshop also served as a consultation to discuss the essential priorities and targets of the university. To have a more detailed deliberation, the participants were divided into two breakout rooms, with each room assigned to particular areas of the DYNAMIC goals of the USTP.

The first group was facilitated by Dr. Ma. Elena L. Paulma, Vice President for Academic Affairs of the USTP System. The group focused on the Academic Cluster, Satellite Campuses Cluster, and the Research, Innovation, and Extension Cluster.

The second group was led by Dr. Vanessa V. Ascaño, DPA, Vice President for Finance Planning, and Development, and was dedicated to the General Administration Cluster, Support to Operations Cluster, and System-Level Offices Cluster.

A plenary session was then held to confirm the outputs of the groups, as well as to deliberate the USTP S&T Parks targets, a DYNAMIC strategy area that needed all the participants’ inputs.

The plenary session also validated the OPCR and PRE targets for FY 2023. In a later session, the body agreed to create and submit outputs for the final streamlining of the DYNAMIC KPIs. The workshop succeeded in its main objective of steering the university’s sails into the blue ocean.