News Update
With the increasing initiatives on agroforestry research (Commission on Higher Education-Grant-in-Aid Falcata Research Program), there is a need to disseminate information and knowledge among farmers, agroforestry practitioners, researchers, scientists, and even students.
The following peer-reviewed scientific articles and book are good avenues for sharing resources and reading materials:
Agroforestry Systems and Practices Agroforestry systems and practices in hilly uplands of Misamis Oriental, Philippines
Authored by RA Palma, LE Tiongco, OP Canencia, RD Boniao, EFD Florida and JY Dagonio of USTP-Claveria, USTP-Cagayan de Oro, Forest and Wetland Resources Research Development and Extension Center (FWRRDEC), and Mindanao State University-Naawan (MSU-Naawan). This article explores what are the agroforestry systems and practices of upland farmers in selected eastern municipalities of Misamis Oriental. Falcata-based agroforestry is one of the most popular land-use systems in Misamis Oriental. This article discusses what are the types of agroforestry systems, forest tree and crop components they used, characteristics of the agroforestry farmers, and reasons for adopting this kind of agroforestry system.
For more information, visit
Gall Rust Disease Incidence in Falcata (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen)-Based Agroforestry Systems in Northern Mindanao, Philippines
This study presents the result of comprehensive research on the pests and diseases of falcata in falcata-based agroforestry systems in Northern Mindanao, Philippines. The information presented highlights the incidence of gall rust disease in falcata integrated with crops in selected municipalities of Misamis Oriental and factors that influence gall rust disease infection. Gall rust disease incidence across Misamis Oriental was considered common (24->50%). This article is authored by RA Palma, LE Tiongco, OP Canencia, RD Boniao, EFD Florida, and JY Dagonio of USTP-Claveria, USTP-Cagayan de Oro, Forest and Wetland Resources Research Development and Extension Center (FWRRDEC), and Mindanao State University-Naawan (MSU-Naawan).
For more information, visit
PRACTICES OF SMALLHOLDER FALCATA FARMERS: A Nursery and Plantation Establishment and Management in Northern Mindanao, Philippines
Written by RA Palma, LE Tiongco, OP Canencia, RD Boniao, EFD Florida, and JY Dagonio, this book presents the nursery and plantation establishment and management practices of nursery seedling growers and falcata farmers of Misamis Oriental. The book highlights the biophysical characteristics of Misamis Oriental, nursery establishment and management, plantation establishment, management of falcata in falcata-based agroforestry systems, and harvesting and transport of falcata logs.
For more information, contact [email protected]
Forester RICHMUND A. PALMA, Ph.D., EnP
Program Leader/ Professor 6
Agroforestry Department
USTP Claveria