By PJ V. dela Peña, USTP System STRATCOMM

USTP System President Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura II and DENR Regional Executive Director Arleigh J. Adorable during the signing of the MOA for the ENR Ambassador Project.
October 22, 2021. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-10) enlists the help of students at the University to fight environmental degradation. This is through the ENR Ambassador Project in partnership with USTP.
Six students from the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) will be trained and developed to be competent and credible champions of DENR-10 through its programs on environmental conservation and the University’s activities on proper solid waste management, climate change, and other environmental issues.
The ENR Ambassadors will also be tasked to monitor environmental activities in their campus and community, assist in the conduct of environmental and natural resources activities, and information and education communication.
DENR and USTP will share the responsibility for the development and protection of the rights and welfare of the ENR Ambassadors for the duration of the period.
USTP System President Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura II thanked the DENR for partnering with USTP. The project will provide the students an opportunity to take the lead in promoting initiatives on solid waste management, especially in the nearby community of Barangay 26. Bitan-ag Creek which runs beside the campus of USTP Cagayan de Oro is plagued with problems with clogged waterways due to the accumulation of trash.