LAPEL students undergo employment competence seminar
By Kristine Jane M. Laid, USTP System STRATCOMM
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines Cagayan de Oro (USTP CDO) through the Communication Arts, Language, and Literature (CALL) Unit, together with Home Credit, conducted “The World of Work: A Glimpse to the Culture of Work” seminar for 320 Learning Academic and Professional Language (LAPEL) students. The seminar was held on February 27, 2024, at the Performing Arts Theater (PAT), College of Engineering and Architecture Building, USTP CDO.

The seminar aimed to develop the academic language proficiency and communicative competence necessary for employment. It has two (2) thrusts: the Academic Language Program (ALP) and the Job Enabling Competencies (JEC).

Invited speakers from the HR department and other agencies shared their insights in building students’ competencies. Ms. Nina Dacanay, HR People Partner, talked about “Career Coaching for Fresh Graduates” while Mr. Kevin Corpuz, Senior Commercial Finance Manager, talked about “Starting a Career in Consumer Finance Technology.”

Moreover, also included in the discussions were topics on what students should expect in the workplace, what stands out during the hiring process, and how to stay healthy in the workplace.