By Stephanie Jean S. Dacosta, USTP System STRATCOMM

The Search Committee for the next Chancellor of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) Claveria has disclosed the names of the official candidates nominated for the position.
Engr. Dennis T. Yamuta, Chairperson of the Search Committee, submitted the list of nominees for Chancellorship.
They are Dr. Renato Ortiz Arazo, designated as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of USTP Claveria, and Dr. Ruvel Jongko Cuasito Sr., PECE, designated as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of USTP Cagayan de Oro.
Dr. Arazo completed his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering at the University of the Philippines Diliman. He is also a University Professor of USTP and an international visiting scholar at Texas A&M University in Texas, USA. Dr. Arazo is an expert in bio-oil production and upgrading.
Dr. Cuasito finished his Doctor in Technology Education at the former Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST) now USTP in Cagayan de Oro City. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the University of San Carlos, Cebu City, and is a licensed Professional Electronics Engineer. He is a Full Professor at Debre Markos University, Ethiopia, Africa in the Electrical and Computer Engineering program.
The term of the office of the Chancellor of USTP Claveria ended last October 14, 2020. Based on Section 34 of the RA 10919, the act establishing the USTP, the major University campuses in Cagayan de Oro and Claveria shall be headed by Chancellors while the satellite campuses shall be headed by Campus Directors who shall be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the President and a Search Committee established for this purpose.
The panel interview of Dr. Arazo and Dr. Cuasito is set on June 30 and July 1, respectively. The public forum is on July 7 at USTP Claveria and will be streamed live via the University’s official Facebook page.
The Search Committee shall submit to the President a full report of the search process including the final list of nominees, assessing their strengths and weaknesses.
The nominees will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Professional Competence – 35%
- Academic Background – 25%
- Public Forum/Presentation – 25%
- Panel Interview – 15%
The Chancellor will serve for four (4) years.