TPCO conducts IP Patent Search and Writeshop
By Technology Promotions and Commercialization Office
The Technology Promotions and Commercialization Office (TPCO) – through the initiative of the Innovation and Technology Solutions Unit (ITSU) of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) in Cagayan de Oro (CDO) – conducted an Intellectual Property Webinar and 2-day Patent Search and Writeshop last September 8, 9, and 12, 2022.

The series of activities aimed to share knowledge about Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer and emphasize their importance to the academe. Through the training, researchers and faculty can not only protect their intellectual property but also apprise them to help commercialize their technology.

The two-day patent search and writeshop were attended by faculty and researchers from the different colleges of USTP CDO, specifically from the College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA), College of Science and Mathematics (CSM), College of Information Technology and Computing (CITC), and College of Technology (COT). Faculty and researchers from USTP Jasaan, USTP Balubal, and USTP Claveria also joined the training.

The training and writeshop, which was mentored by ITSU experts, covered topics including Patent Information, Patent Search Strategies, and Keyword Searching. At the end of the writeshop, the participants presented their output to their mentors for critiquing.

The training was officially closed by Dr. Venessa A. Garcia, TPCO Director, with her message of gratitude and motivation to the participants to continue to move forward through the journey of technology commercialization and reap the fruits of their intellectual contribution. Indeed, the activity ended with lots of learning!