USTP Alubijid joins Data360: From Data Collection to Data Visualization Workshop
By Engr. Wilfred Sevilla and Ms. Jundy Intao, USTP Alubijid STRATCOMM
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) Alubijid, represented by Engr. Jasper Jay Jementiza, Engr. Wilfred Clark Sevilla, and Ms. Jundy Intao, actively attended the capacity-building activity titled Data360: From Data Collection to Data Visualization Workshop conducted by COLLABDev on May 9-10, 2023.

The capability-building activity aimed to recap and enhance abilities in digital data collection, utilizing Kobo Toolbox and open street mapping, which were among the primary topics discussed. The workshop also featured a discussion on data management analysis visualization for a data-driven community.

The event was attended by the Cagayan de Oro (CDO) local coalition, which included the USTP, LGU CDO, and Balay Mindanaw, as well as other participants from the other project sites.