USTP attends Joint International Seminar and Congress 2022 in Indonesia
By Carlos Ian H. Mendoza and Aire Jade L. Taga, USTP Claveria STRATCOMM
On November 3-5, 2022, delegates from the College of Agriculture of USTP Claveria, spearheaded by its Dean, Dr. Eric Randy R. Politud, attended the Joint International Seminar and Congress 2022 held at the IPB International Convention Center in Bogor, Indonesia.

Participants from various countries in Asia composed of oral and poster presenters gathered for this year’s convention, with the theme, “Smart Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities.” The gathering aimed to showcase research outputs (oral and poster) at the international congress and seminar. The convention also served as a venue for participants to collaborate and establish international linkages, particularly with the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University; Bogor Agricultural University).

On the first day, the USTP College of Agriculture team had initial discussions with Prof. Dr. Suryo Wiyono, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the IPB, on plans for future collaboration. The formal virtual discussions between the two institutions up to the formation of the memorandum of agreement/understanding are among the topics initially addressed for future collaborations. Possible areas for collaboration include matters involving academics (e.g. faculty/student immersion, seminars/training, instructional materials, etc.) and research.

During the oral presentations, Dr. Eric Randy R. Politud introduced his study titled “Rapid Clonal Propagation of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert.) Grown Organically: A Trailblazing Innovation for Health Awareness Amid Pandemic. He was followed by Mr. Lasaro A. Gomez, who presented his paper titled “The Effect of Pulsing and Wrapping on the Vase Life of Cut Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium).”

Dr. Ronilo G. Cablinda, Dr. Apolinario B. Gonzaga Jr., Ms. A.M.T. Batuigas, Dr. Renante D. Taylaran, and Dr. Nelda R. Gonzaga, also delivered their oral presentations.

A benchmarking discussion was also held to identify potential areas for collaboration between the USTP College of Agriculture and the IPB University’s Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. Participants in the discussion were Dean Eric Politud and Mr. Lasaro A. Gomez, Department Chairperson of the Horticulture Department of USTP Claveria, and IPB University representatives Dr. Edi Santosa and Dr. Ahmad Junaedi. A series of follow-up virtual meetings will be convened soon, leading to the formation of a memorandum of agreement between two (2) parties to that effect.
On the final day, all conference delegates had the opportunity to visit PRIMA AGRO TECH, a private company based in Jakarta, Indonesia, that produces bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers. The participants also had a quick chance to explore the best of Jakarta before returning to their respective home countries.
The Joint International Seminar and Congress 2022 was organized by the Southeast Asia Plant Protection Conference (SEAPPRO) of the Department of Plant Protection of the IPB University and the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences (ISSAAS).