USTP Alubijid joins IBPAP-PSIA Tour De Tech
By Dr. May Marie P. Talandron-Felipe, Engr. Jasper Jay A. Jementiza & Engr. Wilfred Clark J. Sevilla, USTP Alubijid Faculty
Dr. May Marie P. Talandron-Felipe, the Department of Computer Science Chairperson, Engr. Jasper Jay A. Jementiza, the Department of Computer Engineering Chairperson, Engr. Wilfred Clark J. Sevilla, a Computer Engineering faculty member, and Mr. Kimjay Majorenos and Mr. Ivan Omiping, Department of Computer Science students, joined the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) consultative session with the industry during the IBPAP-PSIA Tour De Tech: The Information Technology and Software Roadshow Initiative last November 14, 2023, at the Luxe Hotel in Cagayan de Oro City.

The information technology and software roadshow initiative aims to discuss the latest sectoral road map, which provides a list of skills needed to focus on in the next six (6) years with the end goal of developing the future IT talent pool for the Philippines. It also aims to speed up industry growth and enhance competitiveness of Philippine workers, firms, and small medium enterprise in the global markets for ICT and ICE-ES not just in Metro Manila but in other cities and municipalities in the Philippines.