USTP Panaon attends National Seminar-Workshop on Effective Teaching
By Ms. Annielyn P. Lasagas & Dr. Leny Q. Anasco, USTP Panaon Faculty
Dr. Leny Q Añasco, Acting Campus Director of USTP Panaon, and Ms. Annielyn P. Lasagas, Head for Academic Affairs of the same campus, attended the National Seminar-Workshop on Effective Teaching to Support Low Achieving Learners last March 31 to April 2, 2023, at the Quirino Hall, Teacher’s Camp in Baguio City. The gathering was initiated by the Center for the Professional Advancement of Educators (CPAE) Inc., with Dr. Vivian I. Buhain as the training director.

Professor Alfons Jayson O. Pelgone from Philippine Normal University (PNU) provided the overview on the concepts of Effective Teaching as well as the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH). Such topics set the framework of effective or quality teacher/teaching with emphasis on the need to support low achieving learners.

Dr. Mark Anthony P. Idang, a national trainer, spelled out the ways in identifying the low achieving learners, especially their difficulties and behavioral problems as well as the possible strategies to support the said learners.
A continued discussion on the Explicit Teaching followed the training then a workshop. Dr. Crist John M. Pastor of the PNU discussed the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) and the Art of Questioning.

The three-day seminar-workshop was a content-filled gathering in a hall-filled venue with eager-spirited participants. The cozy and warm atmosphere of Baguio City conveyed a lengthy jaunt with jam-packed mental influence.