“Mechanical Engineering” the prime mover of industries provides training on the fundamentals of mechanical design, energy conversion, fuel and combustion technologies, heat transfer, and interaction of materials and energy. Our curriculum offers strategic collaboration amongst mechanical and other engineering programs. With such interaction, we aim to produce graduates of sufficient background in thermo-fluids, energy, mechanical and manufacturing design.
a.) Apply the basic knowledge of science, mathematics and to solve engineering problems in the field of Mechanical Engineering. (Engineering Knowledge)
b.) Design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data in mechanical engineering fields specifically on Energy, Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Industrial (i.e. Fire Protection, Hydraulics, Pressure Vessels), and HVAC. (Investigation)
c.) Design, and develop components, systems, processes, or services with the view of innovations that meets the specifications in perspective economy, environment and social requirements.
(Design and Development)
d.) Work effectively as an individual and as member or a leader in multi-disciplinary and multi- cultural teams recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a common goal. (Individual and Teamwork)
e.) Identify, formulate, and analyze complex mechanical engineering problems and provide conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences. (Problem Analysis)
f.) Apply ethical principles and exemplify utmost professionalism in mechanical engineering practice; (Ethics)
g.) Communicate effectively in communication form and mechanical engineering activities with the engineering community and with society in general, such as being able to comprehend and write reports, design documentation, make presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. (Communication)
h.) Explain the impact of mechanical engineering problems and solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development. (Environment and Sustainability)
i.) Update oneself on the latest technological advancements in mechanical engineering, and engage in independent and life-long learning. (Lifelong learning)
j.) Explain the latest developments in the field of mechanical engineering. (Engineer and Society)
k.) Demonstrate mechanical engineering skills, techniques, and use of these advanced technologies necessary for engineering practice to satisfy the needs of the industry and the society in accordance with the internationally accepted standards. (Modern tool usage)
l.) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding on project management principles, and technopreneurial skills in a multi-disciplinary environment. (Technopreneurship and
- Mechanical Maintenance
- Piping
- Engineering Supervisor
- Project Supervisor/Manager
- Sales and Applications Engineer
- Teaching
- Fire Inspector/Engineer
- Cadet Engineer