Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
The BSABE Program is designed to produce graduates who possess knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the application of engineering science and designs to the processes and systems involved in the sustainable production, post production, and processing of safe food, feed, fiber, timber and other agricultural and biological materials; the efficient utilization, conservation and management of natural and renewal resources; and development of climate change mitigation measures, in order to enhance human health in harmony with environment.
The graduates of BSABE are expected to understand and apply engineering science and designs to identify, analyze, and create solutions for problems concerning land development; irrigation and drainage including dams, farm roads and bridges; AB Production machinery; new and renewable energy; AB buildings and structures; postharvest and processing technologies; climate change, and natural resources; environmental and waste management (CMO No. 94, s.2017

- Design Engineer
- Test Engineer
- Project Engineer
- Plant Engineer
- Quality Control Engineer
- Process Engineer
- ABE Instructor
- Irrigation Engineer
- Agromet Analyst
- Municipal/Provincial/Regional
- Agricultural Engineer
- ABE – based Enterprise Managers
- ABE Researchers)